
Welcome to the finclean.org podcast

Episode 1: Dr. Gernot Wagner

In this discussion, recorded on March 14, 2022, we speak with Dr. Wagner on a number of topics, including an overview of the field of climate economics, the social cost of carbon and how it is computed, optimal policy (or lack thereof) to address the climate crisis, the application of asset pricing techniques to the field of climate economics, and how to transition to a low carbon economy in a just and equitable way.

Dr. Wagner is a climate economist. At the time of this recording he was teaching at Columbia Business School, on leave from NYU, where he is a clinical associate professor at the Department of Environmental Studies and associated clinical professor at the NYU Wagner School of Public Service. He also writes the Risky Climate column for Bloomberg Green and has authored several books on climate policy.

For more on Dr. Wagner, see www.gwagner.com